Monday, February 16, 2009

Batman Brings Back the Fun!

It is hard to imagine that in the year that brought us "The Dark Knight" and the death of Heath Ledger that Batman could be the source of so much fun, but watching the new Bat-toon "Brave and the Bold" returns the retro-cool fun of the 60's television series.
The bright pop-culture overload is just what the animation landscape needs, and teaming Batman with under-used DC heroes is the cherry on top. The show seems to take it's cue from the Adam West world of the Batman with a slightly harder edge. You still get the BAM! POW! but with the addition of folks like Green Arrow and Blue Beetle along for the ride.
This is not the serious "Batman: The Animated Series" which launched the modern DCU ani-verse. But this is a nice treat in between the next direct-to-DVD projects that take on more serious stuff.

Long Live the Legion

Geoff Johns seems determined to save the "Legion of Super-Heroes", and with the amazing "Final Crisis:Legion of 3 Worlds" mini-series, Adventure Comics" and his "Legion" episode of "Smallville he just may succeed!
With all the hype and let down of Grant Morrison's "Final Crisis" mini-series the DCU fans still scratch their heads wondering the they just read. But somehow under the radar Geoff and the amazing George Perez released the loose tie-in called "Legion of 3 Worlds". Johns does what he does best...fix continuity and create an epic tale in the process.
At this point the Legion is so confusing that it was almost unreadable, every new relaunch created it's own set of problems. Geoff is now combining all the incarnations together to battle the best new villain in years: Superboy Prime. And NO ONE draws a Crisis like George Perez. Sure, the book is months late but each issue is worth it.
Mr. Johns is also relaunching "Adventure Comics", the book that first gave us the Legion of Superheroes. It will be interesting to see how he juggles the present and future Super-family of heroes. This book will be most welcome on comic shelves.
And "Smallville", a usually bland re-telling of the Superman's early years got a much needed boost from the Johns written episode "Legion". Fans seemed to really love this episode too, and with good reason, unlike the Justice League based eps this one was accurate and full of action.
Warner Brothers should really tap Geoff for more screen projects, but it would be a shame to see him leave comics. Where ever Johns takes the Legion I look forward to the trip.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

"Fanboys" is a real Valentine to Star Wars nerds.

Watching the new indie "Star Wars" comedy "Fanboys" is like wearing your old 80's Darth Vader plastic Halloween costume, it is like the coolest thing in the world to you but to everyone else it is just a discount smock.
The cast and crew of the film elevate what could have easily become a very long YouTube video into a nice love letter to George Lucas. It's 1998 and a band of die-hard "Star Wars" friends embark on their own journey of discovery while attempting to break into Skywalker Ranch.
"Fanboys" mixes the mid-90's teen angst with ultra deep "Star Wars" references that only a small percent of viewers will understand. This is where the troubles begin, this film is locked on target to the devoted few who still have "Star Wars" bed sheets. I admit I am harcore "Star Wars", I understood just about every in-joke...but that is the tape holding the entire film together.
Also, the lack of cooperation from Paramount (for the use of "Star Trek" images) and Lucas himself hold the film from breaking past low-budget charm. However, the love it took to make this film is in every frame and surprising appearances of Kristen Bell and Seth Rogen really amp up the geek love.
Oh, and yes there are plenty of "Star Wars" and sci-fi cameos to fill the best genre convention. Carrie Fisher, and Ray Park play good sports for the cast. My only wish is that Mark Hamil and Harrison Ford had worked themselves into the mix, maybe next time.
This is a movie where I look forward to the DVD to see all the behind-the-scenes fun and hear the commentary. I think after I get those extras, this movie will be a force to be reckoned with.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Final Crisis #7 or It had to end sometime!

WTF!!! I can't begin to review this book...I don't even know what happened!! Superman had a wish machine? Batman is a caveman now? Damn! Grant Morrison just ripped the DCU apart and filled it with LSD!!
For the "real" Crisis stay tuned for "Legion of 3 World" # 3!! George Perez knows how to give good Crisis!!

JSA #23

Thank the gods for Black Adam!! Just when JSA was become WAY to over-complex the anti-Marvel returns to bring sexy and action back to comics!
Geoff is leaving the book in a few more issues, so this is his swan song and he seems to have a great arc to end his run. Not only do we get the Marvel Family, but we have Isis back!!
This issue is why I read comics; great pacing, fun heroes, and some impressive villains! Hawkman seems to be freaking out (maybe he read "Final Crisis") and that is when he is most bad ass!
I eagerly await issue #24 and the Black Adam smackdown that has been coming since "52"!! And extreme bonus points to Alex Ross for his simple and fantastic cover!!!
I survived the Super-Bowl and all I got was some great commercials and kick-ass previews of some amazing movies..oh yeah there was also some sort of sports game in between. From what I remember there were some sexy men stealing a ball from other sexy men.
Now back to the previewy-goodness that was seen!! I had several geek out moments when watching some pretty f*^^&5 awesome trailers:

OK ok...G.I. Joe looks so cool it will beat non-believers over the head with it's pure awsomeness!! While I still have my reservations on the awful generic power suits, I will take a wait and see mentality!

Transformers 2 looks like more headache inducing explosions with robots who look nothing like my childhood memories. But no one can say no to giant robots blowing shite up!!

The fun train has officially hit it's stride with "Land of the Lost!" The director clearly knows his audience! And Anna Friel looks so CUTE that I will forgive her for being 10 years too old for the part Holly...but it looks like she may sport some pig tails!!

The troubling thing missing was NO "WATCHMEN" trailer!!! Why WB would choose not to showcase this big budget film only WEEKS before it's release is a true mystery!!